FBFRT General Fund

Please note if you wish to become a member of the Friends please use our membership sign up form.  If you are already a member and want to renew you can do so using our membership renewal form.


So what does / will the FBFRT do with the funds I provide through donations? Here are some examples of costs we have incurred or, if noted, may incur.

Tens of dollars – Food and beverages for meetings, gifts to guest speakers, office supplies, renting meeting space.

Hundreds of dollars – Food and tools for trail clearings (love those weed wrenches), copying of flyers and presentations for outreach and education, display banners. t-shirts for volunteers at special events, web site hosting, tent for outdoor outreach events.

Thousand of dollars – Copying and mailing bi-annual newsletter. Campaign pamphlets, signs, mailings and postage to rally support for critical Town Meeting votes. Donations to Towns to cover some of the additional staff resources associated with managing the design and construction of the BFRT.

Tens of Thousands of dollars – Provide funds for initial feasibility studies. Potentially provide seed or (partial) matching funds for trail design.

Hundreds of Thousands of dollars – Potentially provide seed or (partial) matching funds for right-of-way purchase, trail construction.

Note: the FBFRT has no paid staff or consultants, so none of the funds pay for the thousand of hours of effort volunteers volunteer.

Donations to this fund are unrestricted.  To make a donation please use the  secure online donation form or mail your donation to:

General Fund
c/o Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
P.O. Box 1192
Concord, MA 01742

(Please make your check payable to Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.  Please note General Fund on your check.)

The Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail also have a number of specific donation funds:

Acton Amenities Fund

Betsy Fowler Memorial Fund

Chelmsford Amenities Fund

Carol C. Cleven Memorial Fund

In Memory of Daphne Freeman

Howard Krueger Memorial Fund

James (Jim) Broughton Memorial Fund

Mary Michelman Memorial Fund

Westford Amenities Fund

The Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, Inc is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization.  Membership fees and donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail tax id # 20-1889146.